Monday, June 27, 2005

Ladies Junior League Auxiliary - Chapter XVII: Waxing and camping?

ok. just wanna say sorry for being such an absentee friend lately. I have been moving and dealing with some pretty heavy duty shit with my new job. It has taken up a lot of my time. I moved into the new place this weekend and this week I have to spend all my spare time cleaning the old place (yuck) Anyway I lost my copy of rebecca after I got through the first bit and this has been a NUTSO time. So I am REALLY sorry for suggesting a book and being a total flake about reading it etc., Anyway I wanted to tell you all that I miss you and I cant wait to giggle with you all again soon!


Thursday, June 23, 2005

6 feet under - Sunday

Erin - I have the tapes. We still on for Sunday? What time?

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Just checking in...

hi guys. sorry it's been awhile since i've checked the blog. i've added comments here and there to all your entries...happy hunting! one big-ish piece of news i've added somewhere else in this blog is that i've moved in with ryan (and his brother PJ)! kinda big-ish news. the parents are taking is fairly well too, so that's nice. i think i may be able to host the next bookclub here--if we cna do it on a weekend when PJ is in whistler.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Waxing and camping?

So, I was hanging out with Mira the other night (no, not the usual kind of "hanging out" that happens with Mira) and we were imbibbing the usual substances and I "accidently" invited her to come camping with us. Now I don't know how you would feel about that since she's seen us in our most intimate places, but I can probably wiggle out of it if you'd rather keep business and pleasure separate. Thoughts?

Saturday, June 18, 2005


If you like or Found magazine, you'll love postcard secret

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Cabby , my sister, is in France. View her blog.

Monday, June 06, 2005


I see our blog now has the same template as "kate's thoughts for the day" hmmmm

Also wondering if people are open to a new member yet? I think my friend (and fabulous new roomate) Cindy is pretty interested.

Thats right folks. I am moving into a big 'ole house at the end of the month!